Privacy Policy
V 1.0 | Last updated on Jan 16th, 2024
Hedge Kitten Inc. and its subsidiaries (collectively “Hedge Kitten” take your privacy very seriously. Our privacy notices set out the Personal Information(PI) collected by Hedge Kitten, the purposes for which PI is collected and processed, who it may be disclosed to as well as Individuals’ Rights. In addition, our Cookie Notice applies to any person visiting any of Hedge Kitten websites. If you have any questions about our policy don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected]
Hedge Kitten committed to safeguarding and protecting your PI. Hedge Kitten will never share your information with any parties outside of Hedge Kitten.
Cookies are files stored on your computer that tell your machine when you have visited a site and your preferences for that site.
In most cases we will need your consent in order to use cookies on this website. The exception is where the cookie is essential in order for us to provide you with a service you have requested, or essential to the inherent functionality of the website (e.g to enable you to store items in a shopping basket and/or to use our check-out process).
Mailing List
Hedge Kitten will only send you emails if you consent to our mailing list. Hedge Kitten uses these mailing lists to send occasional solicitations and its biannual newsletter. you can opt out of all contact or specify only print or email contact by emailing [email protected].

The materials on this website are for illustration and discussion purposes only and do not constitute an offering. We are a private fund as such we do not accept new investors, nor do we offer investment services of any kind.